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Cooking Technique - Making Gluten Free Tortillas Bend

Category: technique

Unlike most of what I write here, this isn’t a recipe, instead it is a technique. A friend forwarded me a post from his Facebook feed and said “any thoughts?”:


What he was really asking me here was “Are there better Gluten Free tortillas than corn tortillas?” but the problem people generally have with corn is that they don’t bend well. So here are some thoughts:

  1. I’ve also tried the gluten free tortillas that aren’t corn and had a similar result so its not the original author. I also found that the texture just sucked – they were gummy.
  2. There is a technique that is mildly annoying but works perfectly well and I use it for making pans of gluten free enchiladas covered in sauce.

If you want to make corn tortillas flexible then what you do is:

Here are two recipes that showcase this technique:

Note: Cooks Country taught me this; they are an excellent source.