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Gluten Free Scotts Slumgullion

Category: main_course

I first learned the term slumgullion reading a Heinlein book when I was just a lad. I’m fairly certain that it was Starman Jones. The term refers to a stew made from whatever is on hand. In the book it was made by hobos who were providing shelter to the eponymous character and they all contributed a can of something to a stew pot. I’d like to think that my version is a bit more refined but I may be kidding myself. My wife and I needed a quick dinner the other night on the way out to a birthday party and this this slumgullion was born. And its good enough that we’ve made it several times since.



  1. Remove the kernels of corn from the cob.
  2. Add everything to a glass bowl save the olive oil.
  3. Stir the ingredients together.
  4. Heat for 2 minutes to 2 1/2 minutes depending on quantity of protein.
  5. Top with the olive oil. Season to your liking.